Reviving My First Website: A Journey from Classroom Project to Tor-hosted Tribute

I created my first static website 10 years ago as a computer science project, purely in HTML. My teacher's praise, calling it her favorite among the class, was a huge encouragement back then. Looking at it now, I see countless ways to improve it, but at the time, features like “embed” and “frameset” felt like cutting-edge tech. Integrating these features, though challenging back then, made my project stand out.

I've always wanted a personal portfolio website of my own. Now that I have one, how could I not showcase my first creation?! Rather than just displaying it plainly, I wanted a revival that felt just as exciting as those early coding days. So, I decided to host it myself on a Raspberry Pi 4, accessible only via the Tor network (aka the Dark Web).

Project Link: 

Disclaimer: This project is self-hosted, so if it’s not currently accessible, please check back later. Remember, you’ll need a Tor browser to view it.
Administrator September 1, 2024
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